
Sunday, March 1, 2015

together, forever.

will our happy times stay forever?
will our friendship last forever?
will our paths cross for a thousand times?
will we keep our beautiful sweet friendship oath?
will we be together? forever?

we wouldn't know what will happens.
we try to make it comes true.
we prays for it.
we let The One set things for us.

we try, we leave things to The Almighty, we gonna accept it, and we will be happy.

we do believe in what Allah has set for us.

we do know.

we will be happy.

together (..well, everyone, together~).




  1. dah agak dahhhh. bukak2 blogger tgok ada post baru. aaaaa. aku mmg ada 6th sense ni! hahahaha.

    1. aaaaaaaaaaaa!!! connected nyaa rasaa~ hak3~ lagipun dah lama tak post kata2, sekadar sinopsis untuk bulan ni? hak3
      *pos kiss ke sana*
