
Sunday, March 1, 2015

a simple sebab. a simple why.

A breakup can be either good ending or bad ending.

.... and it's all depend on a simple "sebab"~ a simple "why"~

it's okay to tell the harsh reason of reality~

heart may explode. angry. dissatisfied. but eventually, heart knows it's the end of thing. it's time to move on. it may be heart's mistakes. heart will learn and reflect on it. it's okay.

it's not okay to try covering the harsh reason of reality by giving false reason. false reality?.

heart may explode. angry. dissatisfied. and heart will do learn. but the truth can't be kept hidden forever. why trying to patch the broken heart by using barbed wire instead of ... err.. hospital-surgery-thingy-wire?

breakup, then lying~ why so cruel, heart?


ps : it's not about the writer, it's about a movie. a damn movie. iskk~

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