
Thursday, November 26, 2015

creating the new you.

life isn't about finding yourself, but creating yourself 
heih, after all theseee enormous secondsssssss, i've been creating a child. kakaka
A childish mind.
A scaredy cat.

My previous life is about finding myself, and its hard. How do you find yourself? what else to be find when,,well, you... are you. Looking back, I've been surrounded by gorgeous heart with beautiful smart minds, well, that's what i call friends. Trying to be like them, follow what seems to be a positive attitude, a positive attributes, but won't it makes me copying others? I'm trying to find me, the real me, not the plagiarize me. 

ahh, for a dramatic me, finding myself is hard. It's wayyy harder than choosing to sleep or to eat
yup, sleepy but hungry, but lets eat, but hungry, but too tired to find food, but, hungry, but wanna sleep. yup, its quite hard for silly me.

Capital fm, or Lite fm,,, ah cant remember. they said it. creating yourself.
ahhh~ that phrase explains everything. Lets create you. The gorgeous you, the awesome inner and outer you.

Just a simple things that had corrupted my mind. Well, I've got time. Lets create the new awesome me. Okay,me?

- Okay.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

masih berdrama

Kipas berpusing ligat,
Kucing mengiau minta dibelai,
Itu yang diinginkan, kan?
Tapi kadang ligatnya pusingan kipas itu sangat menyejukkan,
Belaian yang diminta itu membosankan,

"eh kucing, tak mau laaa manja manja jaa, main la main, mana kuku tajam tu mana? Cepatlah acah acah nak kejar kejar, cepatlah cakar tangan yang gosok ni..."

Diminta macam tu,
Dah dapat, merungut pulak,

Marah pada yang tak memahami, sudah la,
Berikan masa, seminit dua nanti, lupa la tu,
Tertanya adakah tak mengetahui,

Diamkan, dan teruskan sebegini selamanya.
Tak pernah nak salahkan diri yang mengada ya,
Padan muka.